Supporting you every step of the way

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Standing Tower for Kids (OC2)

Fostering Independence

From helping grandma in the kitchen to brushing teeth, your toddler can do anything if given the right “tools”.  The extra safety bar for the truly little ones and anti-slip pads and strips make this a safe place even for young toddlers.

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Step Stool for Kids (OC4)

Equip The LO for the next step

Useful little piece of furniture, easy to carry around the house. Let your little one enjoy a new type of independence. Easy to mount, sturdy and durable - ideal to pass on to the next child.

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    We know that safety is at the top of any parents list, so we made sure our products will provide a safe place for the little ones in your life.  



    From peaceful night sleeps close to mom and dad to helping out grandma in the kitchen, Ocodile products promote a joyous child development in the middle of the family.



    Ocodile Products combine creativity, practicality, efficient teamwork and good looks to give your family a product with unique features.

How did we get started?

About us...

This story began with a team of 4 in the fall of 2021. They: Calin & Cristina, Diana, and Julia, met in the cozy town of Satu Mare, which in their native language means The Big Village. There, in Transylvania - the land of legends and myths - Ocodile came to be.

This is what happens when you create a brand for tots and let one of them name it. Parenting, babysitting, and playing with kids were a huge part of their lives, so they decided to create functional products that would make those experiences safe, peaceful, and fun. Read more to have a peek at their story. 


To get in touch with someone in our team, write to:

Remember we live across the globe in beautiful Transylvania and we sleep at night, so it might take us up to 24 hours to get back to you. 

Phone: (626) 531 1536